Aix-Marseille University

Master description

This Master is a two years full-time course aimed at training international specialists in underwater archaeology and coastal archaeology. The theoretical and practical training is led by the academic team of the Centre Camille Jullian (University and CNRS) supported by the Department of Underwater Archaeological Researches of The French Ministry of Culture (Drassm). Approved as Academy of Excellence by the Academic Foundation A*Midex, the M.A welcomes eight students per year. The courses are taught in French and in English.

During the first year, theoretical courses are centered on maritime History and Archaeology, the historiography of this discipline and the regulatory framework relative to underwater archaeology, theory of practice which is mainly about operational implementation, preservation and restoration of water-logged artefacts, and palaeoenvironment. Diverse case-studies are presented all along the semester by guest professors and specialists from French and foreign universities. These sessions are shared with second-year students whom focus on the domains of naval archaeology, archaeology and geoarchaeology of harbours and coastal areas, archaeology of maritime exchanges. Technical approaches such as survey and documentation methods are also deepened (GIS, cartography and deep shipwrecks studies).

The hyperbaric training, adapted to archaeological work, is given in partnership with the Institut National de Plongée Professionnelle (Marseille, France). The training courses are offered and exclusively organised for the MoMArch students. The second semester of each academic year is dedicated to technical approaches, practical training courses and the writing of the Master’s thesis. Students have the opportunity to be initiated into each technical aspect of an archaeological operation : ceramology, topography (Total Station, DGPS), photography, photogrammetry, Geographic Information System (SIG), xylology, conservation, museography and dissemination. The field-schools, which are underwater excavations that last between 2 to 4 weeks per year, allow the students to work among professional teams and, therefore, to obtain a strong field experience.

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